Author Archives: Jason Hall

Facebook Ad Targeting

Taking Offline Data Online With Facebook Ad Targeting

Imagine walking into a physical storefront and buying a scarf. Not too far-fetched, right? Now, imagine hopping online a few hours later, clicking…
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Google Algorithm Updates

Review of Past Major Google Algorithm Updates

When you begin using online marketing for your business, talk of Google algorithm updates becomes the norm. But why is it so important?…
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Hawk Update for Google

All About the Hawk Update For Google

Google processes over 3.5 billion searches daily. That translates to a search volume of 40,000 queries per second on an average day. In…
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Product Descriptions that Sell

Recipe for Product Descriptions That Sell

For E-commerce sites, online shoppers can't physically access your products. So, they depend on your product descriptions to make their purchasing decisions. One…
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Right Message. Right Audience. Right Time.